Wednesday, May 15, 2013

GPM and the Kivunim Group

GPM’s Program Coordinator Sigalith Isaac Kurulkar recently met with Kivunim participants and staff at the famous Mumbai landmark Knesset Eliyahu Synagogue. The evening was dedicated to inform and celebrate the Jewish history and presence in India. Sigalith was invited to speak about Gabriel Project Mumbai, the quintessential Jewish initiative working for the betterment of vulnerable children in the slums of Mumbai. Kivunim is a Gap-Year program in international Jewish education that provides an intensive academic and experiential encounter with Middle Eastern, North African, Asian and European cultures. Kivunim participants study and travel to a dozen different countries, where the history of Jewish life demonstrates the powerful integration of surrounding cultures into the rhythm and experience of Judaism, fostering a strong identity rooted in knowledge of Jewish life while engaged with the international community.

Sigalith spoke about the nutrition, health and literacy challenges faced by many children in the slums of Mumbai and how GPM supports grass roots organizations like REAP to provide a supporting structure to these vulnerable children. She also spoke about the close partnership between GPM and the JDC Entwine in bringing young Jewish adults to the Mumbai slums to understand the importance of supporting the vulnerable children.

KIVUNIM’s philosophy is rooted in the belief that the world that today's young people will inherit and inevitably lead must dramatically improve its “world consciousness.”  We were grateful to be able provide some insight on the challenges faced by many children in urban slums throughout the developing world.

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